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There is an awful lot of bad news in the world, but is it as bad as it seems?

Remember that the human mind is trained to pay attention to dangerous or scary things, it’s how your ancestors survived. Today’s news media capitalises on this fact by presenting only negative news, because they know that humans are more likely to pay attention to negative news, which in turn improves their ad revenue.

Now making a living from ad revenue is fine, I won’t begrudge anyone the right to make an honest day’s pay, however those of us with a more optimistic outlook are badly catered for with todays news media.

Where is all the good news?

I love learning about “the future”, “The Singularity”, the clean energy revolution and modern positive trends in the tech space. I’m also interested in political change and how our philosophy evolves.

It seems to me that as every year goes by, in general, we become more open, more tolerant and better people. There are of course notable exceptions, but that’s not what this blog is about.

In fact, this blog attempts to avoid all negative news entirely. “Delusional!” You might say we are, but how about we just read some goods news for a change without any clickbait. If you want bad news you can go literally anywhere else.

This blog is split into several different areas:

The News – a curated and easy to follow version of the most interesting things happening in the tech and science space

Deep Blog Posts – longer blog posts written by me to try to understand a topic. Think of them as my inner monologue trying to get to grips with new concepts.

Casual Blog Posts – Opinion or comment or that doesn’t require more than a page or so

Resources – These are the things I consume. Some of them are general interest, some are comedy, and some are the places I get my news from. The resources section comes in 4 parts:

Podcasts – I listen to a lot of podcasts on many and varied subjects – I try to do a brief review of each one here

Blogs – These are the blogs that I subscribe to

YouTube – These are the YouTube channels I watch

People – These are the people I like to follow

I hope I can turn this blog into a full-time living for me, so please be generous and support me.


Brief Bio:

My name is Myles Rickard and I was born in the early ’80s. I’ve had two full careers, one as a soldier doing electronic warfare and one in eCommerce. My experience means I’ve been following along with the cutting edge of technology for some time.

I live in the UK for the moment hence the correct spelling of certain words (for example – Aluminium).

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